The Number Nine Put Through a Battery of Tests
Here it is Setember and I just found that I never posted this. I think I was having problems uploading pictures. Better late than never; this weekend in April was magical!
Six, or was it seven, 18 year-old girls going to Coachella for three days put the electrical and plumbing systems of The Number Nine through a stress test and it came through with flying colors. No blown fuses or stopped up drains. Maybe we need a bigger hot water heater; definitely more mirrors, and ideally another bathroom! One time I walked in and there were at least two girls in front of every mirror working on hair and make-up. The only mishap was a glitter accident in the bathroom.This was one of those times when I thought “This might not be such a great idea.” I am so glad I didn’t listen to that thought and just said YES!

The gang at dinner!
The same weekend, my sister visited with her daughter and three grandchildren to celebrate my mom’s 94 birthday and my niece Heather’s birthday. One of the things we did with the kids was go to the Children’s Discovery Museum of the Desert to make houses out of shoeboxes for the caterpillars I had that were ready to make their transformation into butterflies. We had a wonderful time with four generations roaming about the valley enjoying our time together. I kept the butterfly boxes and released them the next week with great fanfare at The Number Nine.
The Coachella gang seemed so much like those caterpillars; struggling to break out of their chrysalis into their new beautiful wings. It was a joyful time for me to hear the laughter and giddy chatter of girl-women getting ready to leave their coccoon of adolescent friendships. This was one last event together before they spread their wings and fly to their new lives.
At the time of this writing, the Coachella girls have all flown to their new adventures; my family has booked a family get together here in the valley for my mom’s 95th bday next April. Here I am; still finding glitter, reveling in memories of their visits, and looking forward to the next!
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